I don't get it. You're an artist, so why do you talk about your health so much?
"Why are you so public with your health stuff?"
"I would be so afraid to share that!"
"Maybe you should post anonymously?"
"If other singers don't talk about it, why would you?"
"I support you but I think you should keep your personal life separate from your professional life."
"You are not going to get hired if people know you have______."

These are all questions and comments I have received since I started publicly sharing my health journey. There are many reasons why I am so public about it and many of those reasons you just may not understand unless you have been in my position. Unless you have seen how this kind of work can change lives.
If you ARE in my position and still choose to fly under the radar (I have had several DM's from singers that fit that description) I get it- you are entitled to your privacy. I just wish that our industry was a safe space where individuals CHOOSE not to speak out to maintain privacy and not because they are afraid.
At the end of the day I'm an artist so why WOULDN'T I use art to talk about something so significant?
Why WOULDN'T I want to help other artists who have been told to keep quiet (as if we have anything to be ashamed of?) because our industry won't get it.
Why WOULDN'T I take advantage of an opportunity to give a voice to millions of people that live with invisible illness?
That voice is far more important than any fear I may have of making a choice that may negatively affect my brand. And, I'm sorry, but what the hell is a brand? YOU are your brand. Every struggle you go through makes you a better artist if you allow it to. Those who struggle the most are arguably the most prolific artists. Unless, of course, they are forced to keep quiet and are shamed into thinking the things about them that make them the most human are somehow bad because they ruin the false perception of perfection that we have come to value so much in our society.